Blurred crowd walking down a busy city street

In this section, you’ll find a summarised version of some of the blog posts available on the website. The TL,DR (Too Long, Didn’t Read) version was generated using Artificial Intelligence with Then, I used to generate an audio file (mp3). Finally, I cut out the different sections of the TL;DR script and created the videos in YouTube format in Canva using the images and videos available in the paid subscription. And there you have it!

Discover some recent TL;DR videos

Here are a few videos. More will come soon!

Here’s a summary of the blog post devoted to the information overload we face in our professional lives and the strategies we can implement to deal with it.

This is the summarised version of the blogpost on the importance of the Why, inspired by Simon Sinek’s The Golden Circle.

Read the gist of the blog post on the role of buyer personas in an ultra-competitive environment such as the software market.

CO2e is the yardstick for measuring pollution on Earth. Find out why it’s important to understand its role in the fight against digital pollution.