About Me

My name is Emmanuel Carpentier and I am a B2B marketing expert specialised in the software and tech industries, on the distribution side. My goal is to help software companies and their ecosystem develop and implement successful Go-to-Market strategies.

My ambition is to offer a return on 15 years of experience in this field. Not to forget the few years spent previously in contact with the biggest B2C companies (McDonald's, smart by Mercedes, Afflelou - you undoubtedly know these brands).

During the first part of my career, I worked for B2C brands like McDonald's, smart (a division of the Mercedes-Benz Group) and Alain Afflelou (a leading group of optical and hearing aid, with 1400 shops in 19 countries). Since 2009, I've been working in the B2B world, more specifically in the IT industry since 2011. I had the chance to work on the agency side (Matchcode, Nytro Marketing) on large accounts like SAP, IBM SW DACH, Unit4, Sugar CRM and on the company side for startups (Alveos, ARGO Augmented Documents) and large companies (Tata Communications, KonicaMinolta Business Services).

I currently work as a consultant for SAP ISVs in the Gulf Region and in EMEA South; I am also involved in a green tech startup specialised in the decarbonation of emails for public and private organisations.

I have chosen blogging to combine both the editorial approach and the methodological aspect. I am looking to test different features and methodologies related to automation, with and without AI, to create interesting content worthy of being shared on social media. And I will explain how I do it. In a behind-the-scenes mode…

Actionable ideas for B2B marketing is the only promise I can and want to make to you. I leave it to all the digital experts who flood social networks and YouTube with tips, checklists, and various rankings to let you browse and navigate as you wish on this blog. Enjoy the ride!

If you are interested in the topic, you can read this article Why write a blog?

Portrait of Emmanuel Carpentier
Portrait of Emmanuel Carpentier

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Where I am

I spend most of my time in Dubai. If you would like to meet up, feel free to reach out to me.